Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Magical moments

I haven't been up in the garden for several weeks because of sickness, weather and such - but yesterday I got to go and check out progress. Things were doing quite well - perennials blooming, annuals setting seed and the cool weather vegetables looking happy. I was out there about 5 minutes and about six young women came running up to me- "Can we help? Can we help?" I was a bit at a loss cause I was just piddling. "How about the bird feeders?" they asked and went off to fil them straight away. While they were doing that I dug up some strawberries that had crept from their pots into what will be the pond. Imagine a strawberry plant in a hunk of Carolina clay - not so appealing. Here was there unanimous response- "Can I hold it?" They almost reverentially passed it down the line. Magic.


  1. It might be that we need to collect the orka and show the children how to dry them and harvest the seeds for next year's season, along with some of the cherry tomatoes that have avoided the frost. On Nov 12, Dr. T. Dobbins class from Clemson University will work with our 5th grade students to install a pond which will enable us to have a better understanding about aquatic life cycles.

  2. Oh this is so very exciting and yes, it is magical. I love reading such positive posts. This is wonderful. I hope to get by there and take some photos and also would like to video you, Sue and Gwen.

  3. We did harvest some seeds from the Okra and need to do the same for the sesame and indigo. Time to check in with the fourth grade!

  4. Oh, how lovely. Gardening is magic.
